LLC "Chervonohranitnyi quarry"

Granite (from the Italian Granito – granular) is a hard rock with a granular structure. Its strength grade = 1200 – 1400. In ancient times, granite was called “wild stone” in Russia.

Granites are rocks located on the upper part of the continental crust. Granites were formed throughout the geological history of our planet. The age of the oldest rocks of the granite composition reaches 3.8 billion years, the youngest granites are 1-2 million years old. Granite is of igneous origin, in fact, granite is magma that solidified on the surface of the earth. Granite is the most common rock on Earth.

Granite consists of well-formed crystals of feldspar, quartz, mica, etc. Granite can be red, pink, or gray in color, depending on the content of spar and mica in it. The constituent components of granite can be combined in different ways, giving a wonderful palette of shades. The color of granite depends on the depth of its occurrence and the territory of its extraction. A variety of colors and a whimsical combination of shades make granite an extremely popular material for artistic decoration, granite is widely used for decorative purposes. Granite is used as a building material and as a decorative stone.

Granite is a massive and strong building material that has indispensable physical and mechanical properties in construction. One of the particularly valuable technical properties of granite is the ability to provide mirror-like smoothness during processing. The presence of mica in the composition of granite gives an iridescent shine to the polished surface. Even raw granite looks aesthetically pleasing, its surface can absorb light. All this makes granite one of the main materials of monumental sculpture. Granite is used for the manufacture of obelisks, columns and as facing of various buildings.

Granite is easily processed in various ways: depending on the type of work, it is crushed, trimmed, ground and polished.

Granite tiles are actively used in modern urban and suburban construction, interior works and landscape design. The popularity of granite tiles is explained by a successful combination of aesthetic qualities and physical properties of the material. The stone is characterized by high strength, frost resistance and environmental friendliness, and the ease of subsequent care makes its use absolutely unburdening.

Granite slabs can give any premises and buildings a unique and unique design. One of the sides of the granite tile can be processed for the appropriate purpose. Granite tiles can have a textured or smooth surface. The variety of forms of granite tiles allows you to realize the most daring and incredible ideas.

Leznikov quarry can produce facing granite slabs of any size, thickness and configuration. Regular or irregular geometric shape.

There are several types of finishing of the front surface of the plates: polished, polished, ground, sawn, heat-treated, as well as punched.

The polished appearance of the front surface of the slabs gives the natural stone a shine, which is why objects are reflected on the granite. Thanks to polishing, the stone achieves its original color and unique pattern. Floors, stairs, window sills and other details made of granite are polished.

The smooth smooth matte surface of the granite is processed in such a way that as a result no traces of processing with an abrasive tool with a pronounced pattern of the stone are visible. Polished finish differs from polished finish in the absence of mirror shine. However, at the same time, the shine, although less noticeable, is still clearly expressed.

The sanded finish is even, but a little rough. Traces of abrasive tools are visible after it. This is a tougher degree of processing compared to polishing and buffing.

Sawn – a smooth, but slightly rough surface of natural stone with traces of processing with an abrasive tool. It is the natural surface of the stone after sawing with a diamond tool – disc diamond saws or diamond wire.

A heat-treated rough surface of natural stone, on which traces of flaking from the effect of a high-temperature plasma jet (gas burner) are visible, with a well-defined relief structure of the stone.

Cracked surface – results from the splitting of large pieces of natural stone into products, parts. Punched processing is considered the roughest degree of processing.